Humic Acid For Lawns | How Can It Help Your Plants?

Mention humic acid as a lawn application, and you may see some raised eyebrows. After all, the word acid is associated with something that damages or burns. But humic acid is just the opposite. As the end-stage product of decaying compost, humic acid is chock full of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. It’s only called “acid” because of the hydrogen content. Far from burning your lawn, applying humic acid is akin to giving your grass a vitamin-rich treat. In this blog, we will discuss what humic acid can do for your lawn, and how it can help your plants aerate from the inside out.
What are the Benefits of a SeaHume Application?
The humic acid in our SeaHume is derived from seaweed for even greater nutritional content. An application of SeaHume can improve your lawn by helping the root system better access and absorb the naturally occurring nutrients. Humic acid can increase nutrient uptake, leading to your plants stabilizing a better chance to contain a drought shortage. As an added bonus, it can also give a boost to fertilizer applications as it can increase seed germination. Humic acid is just as good for trees, shrubs, and other plantings as it is for grass. Other benefits of a SeaHume application include:
- An increase in microbial activity in the soil to aid in nutritional absorption for plants.
- Better water retention for soil.
- A slow release of nutrients to the root systems of your lawn, trees, and shrubs.
- Has a neutralizing effect on salt, pet urine, and old fertilizer residue in your soil.
- Organic and eco-friendly
Is Humic Acid Safe?
Because humic acid is decayed plant matter, it looks a lot like soil. SeaHume is a brown granular product. In addition to blending in among the blades of grass, SeaHume is non-toxic and safe for your family, your pets, and even your pond fish. Other than helping your lawn thrive, humic acid is known to be able to stimulate the human immune system. Individuals can take this to treat the flu and other viral infections. With the number of important minerals humic acid contains, it can be a vital beneficiary to not only your lawn but your own health as well.
DIY Humic Acid Treatments
You can apply humic acid to your lawn yourself. Humic acid is available at some garden centers and there are even tutorials online showing how to make your own if you’re feeling adventurous. If you plan to apply your own humic acid treatment, experts advise doing so during your lawn’s growing season, usually in the spring or early fall. Humic acid is best applied in the morning or evening rather than in the heat of the day. The basics will include soil samples, hydrochloric acid, and the correct pH level (between 1 and 2) to get started on having your own plant biostimulant.
Contact Local Lawn Care Professionals
Not everyone has time to maintain their lawn, let alone mix and apply their own humic acid treatment. At Coastal Turf, we have the experience to apply our top-of-the-line SeaHume to give your lawn a nutritional boost that will take it to next-level lushness. For more information contact our expert technicians to get the best recommendations in South Carolina. We service Charleston, Summerville, and its surrounding areas.